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Curious about the ‘why’? Broaden your horizons and intern at Saab

5 min read

Each summer, 我们的带薪实习计划让学生在本科学习的倒数第二年有机会与我们多样化的项目团队中的行业领导者一起获得实践经验.

Hear from a few of this summer’s interns below:

Saab Australia Interns 2023

Meet Jasper – Undergraduate Market Analyst in Land and Aerospace

PROJECT: Market analysis and opportunities for air-defence solutions

I have always had a passion for science and technology, 因此,想要了解事物在基础层面上是如何工作的以及学习新兴技术对我来说一直很有趣. Initially, 我想在IT行业工作,但我发现我喜欢分析,一旦我开始走上商业战略的道路,我发现我真的很喜欢学习事物背后的“为什么”.

During my internship at Saab, I’ve been researching industry competitors, analysing their strengths, weaknesses and opportunities. 利用这项研究,我比较了我们的竞争对手的差异化因素,什么十大正规博彩网站排名提供. 这为十大正规博彩网站排名的经营环境提供了一个非常有趣的视角,并有助于形成商业战略.

It’s been a great experience so far; I really feel like no question is the wrong question and I‘ve learnt so much already.

This information is then put through a business intelligence software, 这有助于根据我们想要讨论的内容,以一种易于传递和可配置的方式显示数据. I haven’t used a tool like this before, 因此,根据我的研究,获得实际操作软件的经验非常有用,这有助于传达清晰的信息. 这对于您可以更改配置以最好地解释当前市场环境的演示文稿特别有用.

It’s been a great experience so far; I really feel like no question is the wrong question and I‘ve learnt so much already.


Meet Claire – Undergraduate Logistics Engineer in Maritime


十大正规博彩网站排名的实习确实解决了我对从事工程职业的许多疑问. At university, 我不确定我的职业发展方向,也不确定我的兴趣和优势在哪里. 如果没有第一手的经验,很难知道某件事是否适合你, but an internship provides just that!

在这段经历中,我对工程的一些意想不到的方面产生了兴趣. Since my placement is with the Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) team, 我已经能够深入了解我不熟悉的工程学科的基础知识. 也许是为澳大利亚海军项目工作的现实影响,或者有机会学习新的工程方法. Either way, 我真的很喜欢在十大正规博彩网站排名之前我所知甚少的工程技术.

如果没有第一手的经验,很难知道某件事是否适合你, but an internship provides just that!

我发现非常有用的一件事是,我们与一名研究生工程师配对,提供指导. 这让整个过程变得非常鼓舞人心,因为我可以问他们任何问题! Plus, 我能够参加一些毕业生群体的社交活动,这增加了一点乐趣, but more importantly broadens my connections and support network.

Naturally, 进入这段经历的时候,我有点紧张,因为我知道,在办公室工作将与我习惯的自发性大学生活方式大不相同, 但我发现,这意味着我知道每天会发生什么,而且更容易与我的团队合作.

综合物流支持(ILS)工程在产品或程序的全生命周期中工作, 专注于增加功能生命周期,同时通过最小化后勤和维护支持的需求来降低生命周期成本. At the core or ILS engineering focuses on reliability, maintainability and testability from deployment through to end-of-life.


Meet Harvey – Undergraduate Field Application Engineer in Civil

PROJECT: Data analysis for Saab’s OneView security solution

As a kid, I always liked Lego and that stuck as I grew older. I was always building and taking things apart to see how they worked. Engineering is the perfect career for this, 所以我很高兴能够在十大正规博彩网站排名这样的地方从事创新技术的工作.

I’ve been working in Saab’s Civil group, 我一直专注于OneView安全管理系统的实时数据分析. 了解OneView解决方案背后的软件真的很有趣! Essentially, 我正在开发的软件记录了系统内部发生的事情,然后我的工作是构建一个应用程序来获取这些数据并动态显示它. 这样,团队就可以快速诊断和解决问题,从而改进系统.


This project is all about research, 在花时间设计用户界面之后,编码和构建应用程序,使其最适合团队的需求. The internship isn’t all technical skills though, 我必须接触团队成员,并通过研讨会学习,找出最适合他们的配置. 这意味着我有机会提高我的沟通和表达能力, 与此同时,你还会遇到一些人,他们可以提供一些非常宝贵的工程和专业建议.


OneView is a platform, commonly used for security applications, that provides a common and consistent user interface across a larger number of disparate subsystems; whether they be access control, surveillance, building management or specialised customer applications.

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