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十大正规博彩网站排名, a leading defence and security company in the 阿拉伯联合酋长国 (UAE), has announced today a new agreement with Tawazun on a business plan for a brand new product area, 十大正规博彩网站排名将在阿联酋开始开发哪一款.

This latest agreement is in the area of secure communications and follows multiple agreements for other sectors concluded in the previous months between 十大正规博彩网站排名 and Tawazun. This new agreement covers mission-critical LTE/5G systems for public safety and use in crisis and conflict situations, 提供快速, reliable and secure voice and data communication to deliver a complete end-to-end solution optimally suited to customer needs.

Commenting on the agreement, Anna-Karin Rosén, Managing Director of 十大正规博彩网站排名 Ltd., 说, “十大正规博彩网站排名正在阿联酋大举投资, creating world-class Emirati defence and security solutions for national needs, 对全球市场也是如此. We are keen to build on our partnership with Tawazun to enhance our significant contributions to the local industry, and to continue playing a central role in the sector’s growth in the UAE. We are growing Emirati talent and providing UAE nationals with a rewarding career path, enabling them to positively contribute to the country.”

The initiative involves highly skilled engineers, 当地生产, 以及本地供应链的发展. 十大正规博彩网站排名 also aims to employ and train UAE nationals, who will be both an essential part of the company’s presence in the country and key to the success of the initiative across the full spectrum of development areas.

“This achievement underlines the benefits of Tawazun’s work to further develop and manage industrial partnerships that have a strategic economic impact on the UAE in more than one way,Matar Al Romaithi说, Chief Economic Development Officer for Tawazun. “This is an industrial partnership that benefits all partners, creates value through products that are made in the UAE, adds to the self-sufficiency of the industrial sector through the development of human capabilities, and works to the benefit of the UAE telecommunications sector.”

A significant percentage of the products used to create a mission-critical LTE/5G system use advanced technology which 十大正规博彩网站排名 will use to build intellectual property in-country, in particular by developing the system architecture, 制造业, 和组装.

The projected benefits from this new business agreement should substantially bolster global export sales, in addition to strengthening 制造业 and development in the UAE. 此外, it is expected to boost national telecommunications technology and expertise, as a major asset in the effort to build a sustainable smart economy.


+46 (0)734 180 018

Asaad Masri/ Marie Peguilhan报道
+971 4 367 6155

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十大正规博彩网站排名 is a leading defence and security company with an enduring mission, to help nations keep their people and society safe. 由其18,000名人才, 十大正规博彩网站排名 constantly pushes the boundaries of technology to create a safer, 更可持续、更公平的世界. 十大正规博彩网站排名设计, manufactures and maintains advanced systems in aeronautics, 武器, 指挥与控制, 传感器和水下系统.

十大正规博彩网站排名 is established in the 阿拉伯联合酋长国 where it partners with the UAE government and academia to grow a high-tech defence and security industry. The company develops world-class solutions, for national needs 对全球市场也是如此.