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十大正规博彩网站排名澳大利亚作为一家澳大利亚公司,致力于澳大利亚工业的发展. We have a clear policy of using local suppliers and subcontractors whenever possible to deliver products and services to our customers while also developing 澳大利亚工业能力.

我们相信分享我们的技术, our ideas and our thinking with our suppliers and partners for mutual benefit and better outcomes.


作为十大正规博彩网站排名的供应商,你的创新将为我们的成功做出贡献, 敏捷, 熟练有效的管理. 十大正规博彩网站排名的客户遍布全球,所以你将是我们的供应商之一.

Saab is seeking 澳大利亚n companies with products and capabilities to support our major programs and bids in the defence and security domains. Our 澳大利亚工业能力 strategy aims to improve the skills and knowledge of all our teams through global experience and capability development in order to grow 澳大利亚n sovereign capability.

We believe that 澳大利亚工业能力 is about more than just awarding contracts to 澳大利亚n companies; it is about developing a long-term 澳大利亚n sovereign industrial base. 

保持竞争力,发展他们的技能, 澳大利亚的企业需要增长和发展,以及资助合同.




十大正规博彩网站排名澳大利亚公司致力于实施新的做法,使与我们做生意更容易, 我们正在做出重大改变,以改善我们的供应链参与, 以提高新供应商入职和管理现有供应商的效率为目标.

为了支持这些更改, 十大正规博彩网站排名澳大利亚, 以及其他一些澳大利亚国防总理, 已决定与Hellios Information Pty Ltd .合作, which currently opperates a Joint Supply Chain Assurance Information System (JOSCAR) in Europe and will now introduce JOSCAR in 澳大利亚.

JOSCAR是一个跨部门协作解决方案,旨在帮助减少时间, 成本, 提供资料目前需要的资源和重复. 本系统旨在规范我们对供应商合规信息的要求.

JOSCAR will support Saab's newly developed Supplier Assurance Program and will see a simplified process for information management as your company will only have to submit information and data once to all the defence primes, rather than the current duplication of effort that you would be required to perform when you supply to more than one defence prime.

The data requested through the JOSCAR qualification and compliance process will assist Saab in further reducing risk and ensuring compliance with the growing list of regulatory requirements that Saab faces globally.


虽然JOSCAR并不是十大正规博彩网站排名对我们供应链中所有供应商的强制要求, we strongly encourage you to join the network by completing the JOSCAR qualification and compliance process, in order to allow a more efficient engagement between the parties as well as providing your company with greater exposure to future business opportunities.

As well as providing greater efficiency across the supply base in 澳大利亚n defence industry suppliers will also benefit from:

  • A simple online process that can signficiantly reduce effort and time to provide required information and data to defence customers, 比如十大正规博彩网站排名, 与目前的做法相比,这在公司之间是重复的
  • 更简单的提交资格预审信息和支持证据的过程, 有专门的资源提供所需的指导和支持
  • An online profile which can be easily maintained and updated to ensure your ongoing compliance with Saab supplier approval requirements
  • JOSCAR approval that also eliminates the need to provide assurance information each time you bid for business with Saab.

在本质上, using JOSCAR will significantly reduce the amount of effort required during onboarding and ongoing maintenance of Saab's Approved Supplier List, while also providing greater exposure to future opportunities across a number of 澳大利亚's defence primes.


JOSCAR流程将由Hellios及其团队代表十大正规博彩网站排名进行管理. 他们会通过电子邮件联系你(如果需要的话也会打电话)。, to ensure a successful completion of the requested data input/ The registration process is divided into two stages:


  • You will receive an email from Hellios within the next two weeks with a link to the 阶段1 online questionaire, 哪些应该不超过一个小时就能完成.
  • 这一阶段的目的是收集与贵公司有关的标准信息, prior to progression to 第二阶段 (if required)/ Hellios will assist you with this process and will validate your information to help ensure your company is correctly registered.


  • 第二阶段需要在网上完成更详细的资格和合规信息.
  • 一些较小的公司将有资格免费注册. Other companies will be required to pay a small fixed annual fee, based on the size of the company. 十大正规博彩网站排名澳大利亚 along with other larger defence primes using the system are funding the majority of the administrative 成本s connected to the operation of JOSCAR through a far larger annual fee than what is applicable for suppliers joining the system.
  • 一旦达到第二阶段资格, 十大正规博彩网站排名可能希望进行额外的业务单位/项目特定的保证活动. This is aligned with Saab's Approval requirements and will be undertaken as a seperate activity not directly related to JOSCAR.
  • Typically it takes up to six weeks to complete the JOSCAR Compliance Approval Process and attain 第二阶段 Qualification status.

If your company has initiated the JOSCAR process with Hellios through an invite provided by another defence prime, you won't need to take any additional action other than to ensuring that you have completed both stages (if needed) of the process, 并检查输入的信息是否正确.



十大正规博彩网站排名澳大利亚 utilises the ICN网关 to solicit information on suppliers and their products for specific projects or prospects. Companies interested in the defence and security domains should register on the ICN网关 and monitor for current and future opportunities.

目前的机会是目前的 ICN网关


十大正规博彩网站排名致力于高标准的商业道德和可持续发展. Saab’s Supplier 行为准则 is based on the UN Global Compact’s ten principles and expresses the expectations that we hold for our suppliers.

We encourage our suppliers to establish their own codes of conduct based on similar standards and to flow down these standards to all persons and entities supplying goods or services to Saab.

我们也希望我们的供应商会这样做, 在收到合理通知后, give Saab access to relevant premises and documentation to verify compliance with the Supplier 行为准则.

严重偏差或反复不愿改进, 然而, 是否会危及供应商与十大正规博彩网站排名的关系.

如果供应商未能达到我们在 《全球最大的博彩平台》 十大正规博彩网站排名的一般做法是鼓励改进. 



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