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Saab teams up with 阿布扎比港口

Saab has signed a Memorandum of Understanding, 谅解备忘录, with 阿布扎比港口 regarding collaboration for the development of technologies for port surveillance and vessel traffic management. The agreement was signed at the international defence exhibition IDEX 2021 在阿布扎比.


Saab is a leading defence and security company in the UAE, partnering with the UAE government and institutions to support the building of a competitive defence and security industry and ecosystem.

对于十大正规博彩网站排名, successful strategic partnerships are key to success and essential to generate innovative products and solutions for national needs as well as the global market.

”We are excited to collaborate with one of the fastest growing and innovative port operators in the world. Their high requirements will be essential for us in our ambitions to develop market-leading technologies made in the UAE”, 安娜-卡琳·罗森杰说, 董事总经理, 阿联酋的十大正规博彩网站排名有限公司.

总部设在阿布扎比, the capital of the 阿拉伯联合酋长国, 阿布扎比港口 is a company that owns, 发展, manages and operates 11 ports and terminals in the UAE and Guinea. The company facilitates global maritime trade, industry and 物流 by effectively managing integrated ports, 物流 assets and services, industrial cities and a free zone.            

“Through our maritime trade proposition, 阿布扎比港口 is enabling our emirate’s economy to soar to new heights, and compete globally as a key hub connecting east and west. Our partnership with Saab further solidifies our long-term strategic effort by creating new opportunities for both companies to work together to pioneer and develop solutions that place us at the forefront of technology”, says Captain Maktoum Al Houqani, Chief Corporate Authority Officer, 阿布扎比港口.

Saab is an early investor in the UAE having started its business in the 1980s and is using its unrivalled innovation, expertise and capabilities to create world-class Emirati defence and security solutions, for national needs as well as the global market.


For further information, please contact:
+46 (0)734 180 018

Asaad Masri/ Marie Peguilhan报道
电话:+971 4 367 6155
电子邮件: 十大正规博彩网站排名uae@kekstcnc.com

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Saab serves the global market with world-leading products, services and solutions within military defence and civil security. Saab has operations and employees on all continents around the world. 通过创新, collaborative and pragmatic thinking, 十大正规博彩网站排名的发展, adopts and improves new technology to meet customers’ changing needs. 


成立于2006年, 阿布扎比港口 is a global trade enabler strategically based in the capital of the 阿拉伯联合酋长国 and is part of ADQ, one of the region’s largest holding companies with a broad portfolio of major enterprises spanning key sectors of Abu Dhabi’s diversified economy. 阿布扎比港口’ largest subsidiary is Khalifa Industrial Zone Abu Dhabi (KIZAD), 综合贸易, 物流, 工业中心, 用旗舰, deep water Khalifa Port as its maritime gateway.