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Saab offers the 消防系统 a new approach to the provision of Control Room Systems through an innovative Configuration Framework


消防系统, 许多企业和紧急服务也是如此, are faced with the challenge of how best to adopt and implement new technologies within the control room and operational environments.

今天, with smarter and more efficient digital platforms involving; Artificial Intelligence (AI), 物联网(IoT), 云解决方案, social media and mobile technology the fire services need to embrace greater levels of support from industry. Saab are not only developing solutions and applications but are focused on providing support to assist with technology adoption to ensure that the benefits of new digital systems are fully exploited. 云解决方案 offer an enterprise-wide delivery platform providing a holistic opportunity to efficiently consolidate not only traditional server environments but data storage, 管理工具, 人力资源, 哪些可以显著降低拥有成本. 也就是说, fire services still require resilient and secure solutions that need to meet performance and availability criteria, 与支持无线电集成的服务模型相结合, 电话, 移动和事故地面解决方案.

Fire service information technology requirements are complex and provide one of the most challenging public safety solutions to deliver and implement. Whilst many aspects of control room activity within the Emergency Services conform to conventional call handling practices, there are significant differences specific to the Fire Service during incident handling and resource mobilisation phases. With fire services now embarking on the implementation of next-generation control room solutions recent procurement notices are increasingly more heavily focused on technology adoption. A broad range of 3rd party systems and technologies are being requested ranging from social media, 身披视频, 移动位置, ESN广播, 值班管理和值班表, 动态盖层工具, 后台分析和报告模块.


消防部门现在还需要一个更直观的动员响应计划. 后续采取动态应对计划, 是由最新的消防要求引起的吗, 进一步的发展已经看到了属性, 技能, 设备和角色现在都已纳入计划. These plans also need to be cognisant of resource availability; such that up to the minute crew and officer availability need to be dynamically and seamlessly linked into the control room environment. Many FRS are now also utilising in house or 3rd party dynamic cover models which not only provide a historical view of incident activity but can also be modelled into a predictive cover plan providing a dynamic view of resource utilisation and cover in high risk areas.


十大正规博彩网站排名在采用时认识到消防服务的复杂性和需求, 维护和利用这些新技术. 所有 the while we ensure that the equally important task of providing support for the lifetime of the contract. 为了应对这些挑战,十大正规博彩网站排名提供了一个独特的配置框架“SAFE”。.  我们提供无与伦比的服务解决方案, not only providing a Unified Command and Control Solution but a platform that is established on the ESN transition programme that also facilitates technology adoption without the need for complex re-engineering or development. SAFE is a scalable and customisable next generation control room solution which combines efficient 工作流s and necessary tools to help clients develop new approaches, 促进整合和改进新技术的交付.

在心脏, SAFE is a powerful rule engine and user interface design tool that can be configured to perfectly match a customer’s ideal working practises by tailoring the way the solution functions and operates for individual operator roles.  该解决方案为信息共享提供了完全集成的解决方案, 决策支持, 工作流, 资源管理,语音和数据通信-都在一个共同的接口.

旨在成为一个现代化的开放式集成平台, SAFE comes with a large variety of one-way and two-way interfaces that can be used to integrate legacy, 当前或未来的系统.   十大正规博彩网站排名接口使用开放标准,并广泛记录, and are implemented through a SDK (Software Developers Kit) or an API (Application Programming Interface) to allow for swift and transparent integration with 3rd party systems or databases either by customers, 他们的合作伙伴或十大正规博彩网站排名.  SAFE’s open architecture and outstanding integration capabilities allow Fire and Rescue Services to integrate legacy systems while also being open to easily connect to software without the traditional vendor lock in, ensuring FRS’s can adopt technology at a pace that meets their needs not the suppliers.

十大正规博彩网站排名的做法受到了好评,在业内仍然是独一无二的.  Our success with Police and transport agencies places us in a unique position to support others agencies with their next generation Command, 控制和通信要求.

Alan Hall – Saab’s Fire Account Director joined in the summer of 2021 and has been working with a number of 消防系统 to configure and tailor the solution to meet Service operational working practices. 
