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Saab’s new Deployable Digital Tower revealed

十大正规博彩网站排名宣布其模块化, secure and quick-to-deploy digital tower (r-TWR) for flexible, 空中交通管制任务, 与行业合作伙伴Conlog Oy合作.


At a time when threats to permanent airbases are increasingly realistic, air forces are looking to expeditionary or remote air operations to provide resilience. 为了回答这个问题, Saab presents r-TWR Deployable; a deployable, digital tower that provides high availability, mission-to-mission modularity and flexibility. It is mission ready within an hour and can be operated remotely from a secure location at a base or connected to a centralised facility hundreds of miles away, 保障军事人员的安全. Some of these features can also serve a purpose for international aid missions for the rapid deployment of such infrastructure into a country damaged by natural disasters.

The r-TWR Deployable includes everything needed for air traffic management at an established or temporary landing strip and can be rapidly transported by road or rail on one or two standardised trailers, or in a cargo aircraft of C-130 Hercules size.

“We can already in 2023 offer a deployable digital tower for military and disaster relief missions to meet today’s needs, 速度是关键的地方. Our experience from air traffic management and defence solutions gives us the expertise needed to create the new capability we call r-TWR Deployable,彼得·英格伯格说, head of Saab’s business unit Traffic Management.

Juha Moisio, 首席执行官Conlog Oy, says: “We are extremely delighted to be able to work with Saab and to provide our highly mobile and durable expandable shelters and our newest mast hydraulic mast system to be the base of this most interesting system. With our experience in the most demanding conditions, we can provide solutions for varying conditions.”

The r-TWR Deployable can be integrated with various Saab capabilities depending on customer needs. This includes TactiCall Voice Communication System for safe and cyber secure communications, Giraffe 1X lightweight multi-mission surveillance radar with Drone Tracker capability, Sirius Compact passive surveillance for tactical applications and Barracuda camouflage for a reduced multispectral signature.

r-TWR Deployable is being unveiled at the Turku 空气show 小君e 16, 2023.



+46 (0)734 180 018


Saab is a leading defence and security company with an enduring mission, to help nations keep their people and society safe. 由其19,000名人才, Saab constantly pushes the boundaries of technology to create a safer, more sustainable and more equitable world. 十大正规博彩网站排名设计, manufactures and maintains advanced systems in aeronautics, 武器, 指挥与控制, 传感器和水下系统. 十大正规博彩网站排名总部设在瑞典. It has major operations all over the world and is part of the domestic defence capability of several nations.

Conlog Oy is a principal defence systems integrator in 芬兰.  Conlog提供现代, integrated security solutions and comprehensive life cycle management and sustainment services. Conlog’s mission is to provide operational safety and security to its partners by prioritising survivability for those who operate our systems, regardless of the environment or the mission. This is why Conlog and its daughter company, 桅杆供应商, SK-Lift Oy have earned an outstanding reputation for operational success. Conlog Oy is the first port of call for customers requiring unique solutions for complex mission requirements. Conlog总部设在奥卢, a major technology hub in 芬兰 and the home of numerous technological innovations. Since 2018 Conlog Oy has been part of the Swedish System Engineering Solutions 37 AB (SES37).

