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随着海战的迅速发展, today's armed forces need torpedoes that are both easy to control and highly adaptable. Saab's new torpedo system now under development for the toughest environment in the world, 波罗的海, 解决这些关键挑战.

The Baltic Sea is one of the most demanding marine environments on the planet. 平均只有70米深, 咸淡水中布满了岩石, 岛屿, and small caves that make naval operations arduous and extremely challenging.

But these same characteristics also make the Baltic an ideal testing ground for developing sophisticated torpedoes. With the world’s navies looking for defence systems that can manage increasingly complex combat situations, a new lightweight torpedo system is about to begin testing in the demanding waters off Sweden’s east coast.


“在蓝水(公海)行动, a torpedo just needs to be able to go deep and achieve a high speed to catch the target,托马斯·永奎斯特解释道,销售总监 for Weapons and Sensors at Saab’s Business Unit 水下系统. “But in shallow waters like 波罗的海, you need a variety of speeds. You need a torpedo that can go slow until it has a lock on the target and can then speed up for the full attack, 这是一个更复杂的系统.”

"In shallow waters like 波罗的海, you need a variety of speeds. You need a torpedo that can go slow until it has a lock on the target and can then speed up for the full attack, 这是一个更复杂的系统."
Thomas Ljungqvist,销售总监


新型轻型鱼雷系统, now under development for the Royal Swedish Navy 和芬兰海军, 是鱼雷45的继承者吗, Saab公司在1995年引进的一种轻型鱼雷系统. 比如鱼雷45, the new system will have the capability to be from platforms ranging from submarines and ships right through to aircraft.

然而, Ljungqvist explains that it will also boast a range of new features that make it an even more effective tool for modern navies. “新版本将有更大的速度范围, 这意味着它可以更快也可以更慢, 这取决于它所处的环境,他说. “它还将拥有一个全新的推进系统. 而鱼雷45是螺旋桨驱动的, 新型鱼雷将使用泵喷射系统, 让它更安静, 更强大,更高效的电池使用.”

Users of the system will also benefit from major advances to the homing and navigational systems which will be updated in line with today’s sophisticated computational systems. “And the system is fully adaptable as new technology evolves in future.”


Ljungqvist explains the modifications will make the torpedo even more suitable to the rapidly changing global defence environment, where there are even greater requirements on weapons to be precise and efficient. “今天, it’s very seldom that you have a full-scale war where two countries are fighting each other,他说. ”而不是, we are seeing more low-conflict scenarios where small-scale clashes are outside of war and where there’s civilian traffic around. You absolutely need to have true target indication on your weapon systems.”

Ljungqvist says the new generation torpedo system will address this need for precision in a variety of ways. Like the current Torpedo 45, the new system will employ a wire-control system. This will allow operators to target enemy assets with precision and safely abort attacks when required, for example if a civilian or other friendly vessel is at any risk.

“You can direct the torpedo to stop or select another target,” says Ljungqvist. 如果电线断了, the torpedo will either go for the designated target and kill it or in peace time, 中止任务,进入安全模式.”


Ljungqvist says that the new torpedo has a more efficient power system and more sophisticated guidance systems that will help it to overcome increasingly advanced submarine countermeasure systems.

“Modern torpedoes need a homing system that can differentiate between counter measures and the true target and to have endurance to continue the attack until the countermeasures are gone or the homing system has identified the target.”

除了瑞典皇家海军的命令, 启动系统客户, 和芬兰海军, Ljungqvist says there are also high levels of interest being expressed by other nations.


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