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Saab works with start-ups because the world is filled with possibilities and we can’t and shouldn’t try to do everything ourselves. 我们确定我们的需求, scout for the right technology at the right time and constantly evaluate new solutions. It’s all part of Saab’s innovation culture, says 卡尔Eldebo.

这些天, the range of technologies is so vast and the rate of change so quick that it’s impossible for one company to do it all. Thus, a key element of Saab’s innovation strategy is to make use of external expertise. And in this day and age that increasingly means working with start-ups.

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“We establish what is core for us at Saab and then define the things that we’re not supposed to be the best at. Then we start collaborating with people and organisations who are the best. 这通常意味着与初创企业合作, and we scout the best ones to see if we can adapt their technology to our needs,卡尔·埃尔德博说, who leads the team that coordinates start-up work at Saab.


In Eldebo’s view, there are several compelling reasons for working with start-ups:

  • The constant churn of new technology makes it impossible, even for a diverse and dynamic company such as Saab, 以覆盖所有的基础. 我们必须对外来思想持开放态度;
  • 做这一切在经济上是不可行的. If Saab can tap into the expertise of a company that has al读y developed a technology that answers our needs, 这是一个更快捷、更便宜的选择;
  • 初创企业就像一艘快船, agile and 读y-made complement to the longer-term collaborations with academia in research projects over several years;
  • The research programmes are vital 但 they’re not cheap, so there needs to be an acceptance that we can also go beyond our walls for technological needs; and,
  • 有这么多的人才! Any initial scepticism in Saab about the team’s ability to find potential partners when it started two years ago was soon dispelled by it quickly finding a ‘long list’ of 200 possibilities.


In 2018, Saab set up a network of innovation managers in its business areas that is now led by 卡尔Eldebo, 谁说:

“The innovation managers act as a link between the business areas and the start-up group. They are the key to finding out from engineers in their section whether an idea could be of interest, and to finding out the needs from the engineers themselves.”

Saab wins Best Start-up Hack and Best Start-up Collaborator at Ignite Awards 2019

十大正规博彩网站排名被授予, 不是一个,而是两个奖项, during the annual 点燃瑞典 Day Conference in Stockholm for our successful collaboration with start-up company Attractive Interactive.

视频- 01:23

Much of the group’s work involves scouting for new start-ups. This involves going to technology fairs and start-up networking events, 对初创企业孵化器说, and companies in other industries about their start-up finds, and keeping track of international innovation initiatives.

“例如, 我们可以把奥地利看作是思想的温床, or a business area comes to us with a need for eye recognition software. We’ll find some possible candidates and cut this down to a short-list, from which one or two ideas are selected for funding.“如果一个想法最终没有被使用, the lessons from it inform new thinking and new directions, or it’s revisited down the line if the timing is better.

Sometimes there is also the chance to collaborate under the Sweden innovation umbrella; for example, 西蒂, an ongoing project involving Swedish and 印度n companies, academia and government organizations to use connectivity, automation and AI for reducing traffic accidents in 印度.


There’s no shortage of potential start-up candidates, 但, 卡尔·埃尔德博, 时机非常重要. “因为技术变革的速度如此之快, Saab needs a good source of supply and to react faster. We have to find a company before it develops in another direction, or before the technology moves on.”

“We’re getting better at knowing what we're looking for and then scouting to find start-ups at the right moment, 只要资金到位, right people and the ability to start a collaboration with us.”


以前, one barrier to success was the complicated Non-Disclosure Agreements and Proof of Concepts in the contractual process. But recent work to simplify these aspects are facilitating more start-up collaborations, 埃尔德博对这种可能性感到兴奋.

十大正规博彩网站排名真的在把握未来. 我们明白我们必须改变, and we need to find the spot between what's happening now and what's further off.”

“I’d say to Saab colleagues: if you have a good idea or recognise a technology need, 来找我们吧, and I’d say to start-ups: get in touch with us and perhaps we can do business together.”