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Saab Global

Scouting for future possibilities

4 min read

当她还是个小女孩的时候,她就幻想成为一名太空科学家. But it wasn’t space itself that sparked her interest. Rather, it was the chance to explore the unknown. 尽管她的职业道路与最初的计划略有不同, 她最终找到了一种方法,利用自己的好奇心去探索未知的可能性. 来认识一下十大正规博彩网站排名公司业务分析和架构主管苏菲·拉尔森.

Meeting the demands of the future

利用不同人的知识,预测未来的挑战——这是苏菲·拉尔森的工作, in one sentence. As a manager at Saab, 苏菲的使命是确保公司拥有满足未来需求所需的专业知识, that projects run smoothly, and that teams work effectively without getting stressed.

"The best thing about my work is definitely the people. 当我们把聪明和有能力的人的专业知识结合起来时,我们所取得的所有成就都是非凡的.”

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“对我来说,正常的一天工作通常包括与员工和经理举行许多不同的会议,以了解项目进展情况, how the employees are doing, 以及未来我们需要招募什么样的专家. 我还负责教育和发展我们的员工,并确保在合适的时间,在合适的环境中,有合适的人选和能力. The best thing about my work is definitely the people. 当我们把聪明和有能力的人的专业知识结合起来时,我们所取得的所有成就都是非凡的.”

在一个有很多责任和不同挑战的角色中, 苏菲从她的同事身上找到了动力和灵感.



Like a cat with nine lives

Today, Sofie has been working as a Manager at Saab for one year, but as a consultant for more than eight. Before joining the company, 她在哥德堡查尔姆斯大学学习工业工程, while working part-time at a bank.


“在银行工作很有趣,但我没有真正得到创新的机会. 所以,我决定申请另一份工作,并被一位在十大正规博彩网站排名担任顾问的女士雇用. During that time, 我有机会在IT部门参与十大正规博彩网站排名的开发项目, a wide and complex area influencing everything we do. It also gave me valuable insights into the company culture, and when I was asked to join the company, it felt like a natural path to take.”

“Saab reminds me of a cat with nine lives. 即使我们面临着看似不可能的决定, we always manage to cross the finish line together."

Now that she’s at Saab, 可以肯定地说,苏菲的生活中不再缺乏创新思维了. 在瑞典这样一个小国成功地占据世界领先地位的公司工作,真的让她着迷.

“Saab reminds me of a cat with nine lives. 即使我们面临着看似不可能的决定, we always manage to cross the finish line together. 人们很容易认为十大正规博彩网站排名是一家声望很高的大公司,但事实恰恰相反. 这里的每个人都非常乐于合作,乐于助人,这是我所欣赏的.”

A typical engineer

回想起她在十大正规博彩网站排名的时光,苏菲为自己在公司的岁月感到自豪. 与前沿的酷项目一起工作的复杂性需要大量的预防措施,这同样具有挑战性和趣味性.

“如果你想产生有意义的影响,并与优秀和知识渊博的人合作, this is the place to be.”

As a self-described “typical engineer”, 为高级技术问题找到正确的解决方案一直是她最激动人心的任务之一. 她相信,未来的同事会像她刚开始在十大正规博彩网站排名工作时一样,对这一挑战感兴趣.

“能成为一个团队的一员,实现一些乍一看似乎不可能的事情,真是太棒了. 如果你想和优秀的知识渊博的人一起产生有意义的影响, this is the place to be.”

3 Questions

How would you describe yourself in three words?

How would you define hard work?
To leave no stone unturned, not just the ones in front of your feet, but the ones off the beaten track.

What’s your biggest strength?

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