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The mobile shield that will transform ground-based air defence

3 min read + Video

The battlefield is changing. With the advent of drones, unmanned aerial vehicles and other advanced weapons, airborne threats are diversifying all the time, and keeping ground units safe is harder than ever. 十大正规博彩网站排名公司的移动近程防空(MSHORAD)系统是一种车辆集成解决方案,可以识别, counter and neutralise air threats quickly, effectively and decisively.


In our previous article about ground-based air defence, we discussed how the battlefield has become a much more complex arena, with an ever-expanding, multi-faceted series of threats. 无人机和无人驾驶飞机技术的进步意味着这些威胁比以往任何时候都更加不可预测,更难以阻止.


现在是时候采用能够正面应对这一挑战的GBAD解决方案了. And that solution is now being developed and tested by Saab. It’s called Mobile Short-Range Air Defence system, or MSHORAD, for short. It is vehicle-integrated for maximum mobility and flexibility, and it uses established Saab technology.

Video - 01:51

The world’s most modern and capable air defence system

“我们提供的是世界上最先进、最强大的近程传感器, 结合了世界上最现代化和最强大的地面防空系统,” explains Emil Holm, Director of Technical Sales Support for GBAD Missile Systems at Saab.

“我们提供的是世界上最先进、最强大的近程传感器, 结合了世界上最现代化和最强大的地面防空系统。”
Emil Holm, Director of Technical Sales Support

“And it’s based on proven and mature technology,” adds Paul Wooldridge, the Product Director at Saab who is responsible for MSHORAD.

“移动射击单元基于RBS 70 NG瞄准具,安装在十大正规博彩网站排名成熟的Trackfire伺服平台上, the Mobile Radar Unit uses the proven Giraffe 1X radar, with command and control capability provided by Saab’s BM4CI .


“We know all of this very well. It’s all in-house capability. 任何客户都可以找到十大正规博彩网站排名,由一个拥有内部技术的主承包商提供完整的MSHORAD能力——我们不需要从第三方那里购买.”

"It’s all in-house capability. Any customer can come to Saab and have this complete MSHORAD capability..."
Paul Wooldridge, Product Director

Paul Wooldridge is keen to emphasise the advantages of this approach.

“This is Saab showing that we have a system of systems capability. 客户可以理解,总承包商可以负责任、有权威地行事。.

The advantages of MSHORAD
MSHORAD infographic
The advantages of MSHORAD
Developed for the new battlefield

虽然确实有其他的移动近程防空系统, 目前还没有一个像十大正规博彩网站排名公司的产品那样专门更新以满足新战场的多重挑战. 十大正规博彩网站排名MSHORAD的优势在于其极大的灵活性,Paul Wooldridge解释道:

“我们有一个独特的卖点,可以从车辆上卸下RBS 70 NG瞄准具,并将其部署在单兵便携式防空系统(MANPAD)配置中,根据操作需要提供额外的技术能力."


“For example, if you wanted to hide the vehicle in some way, and deploy MANPAD, or if RBS 70 NG Sight was needed on top of a building for some reason, then it’s flexible for those other scenarios,” 

Superior detection

长颈鹿1X每秒覆盖整个搜索区域,并能探测到任何空中威胁, including small, slow, high and low targets. 


“The mobility of the system, especially at short range, is everything if we are to defeat weapons and weapon systems, such as drones or attack helicopters, that are attacking the ground units requiring protection,” adds Emil Holm.


十大正规博彩网站排名的MSHORAD为移动设备提供保护,当然也为运营商提供保护, who after all is the most important part of the system, 因为运载工具提供弹道保护,增加操作和乘员的生存能力. 与固定系统相比,我们的MSHORAD没有停机时间。.

The next step in the project

Saab’s MSHORAD is a milestone project for Saab. 项目开发的下一步是继续评估不同的能力选择,使十大正规博彩网站排名能够提供一系列解决方案来满足客户的需求.


“我们正在取得良好进展,我们知道有几个国家需要这种能力,” says Paul Wooldridge.

Emil Holm, Director of Technical Sales Support


“我们现在展示的是一个交钥匙地面防空系统,这只是十大正规博彩网站排名公司所能做的一小部分. 这是为了保证人民的安全,并大幅提高国防能力.”

More about MSHORAD



Air threats are ever-evolving. 我们的MSHORAD解决方案提供了高度机动和强大的防空能力来有效识别,deter, or neutralize airborne threats.

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Ground-based air defence more vital than ever

Over the past decade, 战场上的威胁已经演变成更加复杂和不可预测的东西, through a mixture of new advanced weapons technology, shifting geopolitical tides and changing battle scenarios. 陆基防空系统比以往任何时候都更重要,但更新了,机动性更强, as Emil Holm from Saab explains.

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