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November 3 marks the 70th anniversary of the Saab 32 Lansen aircraft. The Lansen made history by being Sweden’s first supersonic aircraft. 总共生产了455架, and the Lansen remained in operational use by the Swedish 空气 Force until 1997.

在冷战的阴影下, the 32 Lansen fighter aircraft was developed by Saab in Linköping, 在50年代早期. The first flight took place on 3 November 1952, with test pilot Bengt Olow at the controls.

The flight marked the beginning of a test programme that would include the first supersonic flight by a Swedish aircraft. This took place in 1953, when the Lansen passed the so-called ‘sound barrier’ for the first time – i.e. the speed exceeded the speed of sound (around 1,200 km/h).

The Lansen had a two-man crew, comprising a pilot and navigator. 它最初是作为攻击机开发的, but versions were also produced for use as fighter aircraft and reconnaissance aircraft.

在20年间, the Lansen formed the backbone of Sweden’s attack aircraft, the main purpose of which was to repel any potential invasion force. 1956年初, the A 32A Lansen attack version was delivered to air wings in southern Sweden: F 6 in Karlsborg, f7在Såtenäs, 哈尔姆斯塔德的f14和罗尼的f17. 在60年代, the Lansen was also supplied to F 15 in Söderhamn. The final aircraft were decommissioned in 1978, to be replaced by the Viggen.

The J 32B Lansen fighter version had a more powerful engine and was equipped with radar, which enabled it to detect hostile aircraft both in bad weather and in the dark. In 1958-59, this version was based at the F 1 air wing in Västerås and F 12 in Kalmar. 在60年代, they were transferred to F 4 on Frösön and F 21 in Luleå, in order to be used in the air defence of northern Sweden. 它们一直服役到20世纪70年代初.

The S 32C reconnaissance version was equipped with aerial surveillance cameras, and had a radar that was optimised for the detection of ships during maritime reconnaissance missions. 在1958- 1978年期间, 这些由F - 11空军联队在Nyköping飞行, often on operational reconnaissance missions over the Baltic Sea.

在它作为前线战斗机的时代结束了, a smaller number of Lansen were equipped with electronic warfare equipment. These were used until 1997 as target-tugs in the 空气 Force’s regular combat exercises.

Today, there are several Lansen preserved in aviation museums in Sweden and abroad. 两架Lansen保持适航状态, which are based in Såtenäs and are a popular feature at air shows around Sweden.