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Saab Global

GlobalEye: increasing your operational availability

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In modern conflict, situations develop rapidly, and your forces receiving accurate, timely intelligence is the key to mission success. 空气borne early warning and control (AEW&C)系统是用于探测和识别空气的机载雷达解决方案, land and sea vehicles, missiles and other objects. AEW&C系统也被用作战斗管理指挥和控制中心, 接收和发送实时信息,以实现全面的态势感知.

GlobalEye is Saab’s highly advanced, ultra-long range, multi-domain AEW&C解决方案,通过将智能产品设计与有效支持相结合,提供更高的操作可用性.

Enhancing your forward presence

全球之眼为您提供最高的操作可用性, 提供一套主动和被动传感器,提供远程检测和目标分类. Able to seamlessly integrate with navy, army and air forces as well as civilian organisations, GlobalEye ensures awareness to everyone, wherever they are.

GlobalEye can detect, classify and track targets from afar, feeding back accurate, real-time information to key operational decision-makers.

通过GlobalEye的全域战斗管理,完全控制战场空间. GlobalEye can detect, classify and track targets from afar, feeding back accurate, real-time information to key operational decision-makers. The platform’s ability to simultaneously monitor the air, land and sea is unique, 部队通常需要多个解决方案来同时监控所有三个领域. 这个新发现的可用资源可以重新分配给你在其他地方的部队, with GlobalEye taking care of all surveillance tasks. 

十大正规博彩网站排名明白,在行动最激烈的时候,情况可能会迅速变化. 像这样, GlobalEye能够在正在进行的任务中切换任务,以确保整体操作保持在轨道上,而无需着陆.


“全球之眼”的实施通过释放其他国防资产来提高你的前沿作战能力, ensuring they’re only on high alert when needed. 这使部队和装备在不必要的高度战备状态下不会耗尽资源,从而保持平稳运行.

Ground-up integration

“全球之眼”是由十大正规博彩网站排名技术高超的内部工程师定制的,可以无缝地适应您现有的业务. Whether you need it to work in tandem with your force’s fighters, or to assist other forces in joint operations, “全球眼”在任何必要的地方提供空中监视和目标探测.

GlobalEye flying together with an Gripen E

“全球眼”设计用于受严重杂波和干扰影响的条件下工作, so even if the rest of your fleet goes blind, all is not lost. GlobalEye sees what is obscured. 

Built with operational availability in mind

GlobalEye is the optimum size, 平衡了大量尖端机载监视和通信技术,具有令人印象深刻的航程性能和每飞行小时的低成本. 飞行时间超过11小时,仪器范围超过650公里, GlobalEye’s ultra-long range makes it ideal for special operations. The longer you can be in the air, 对你的部队来说,你的资产就越可靠——这就是“全球眼”在操作上的可用性与其他公司不同的地方.


GlobalEye’s size also makes it economical to fly, and it can be serviced and maintained by a reduced crew. 它的低生命周期成本使GlobalEye成为一种令人难以置信的经济高效的解决方案,可以同时满足各种角色,同时需要更少的运营资源. 这就是GlobalEye高效支持其高性能设计的地方. 

The aircraft’s size also results in excellent airfield performance, as it can take off with 6,500 ft of runway and, with maximum landing weight, land at just 2300ft. Operationally, 这使得GlobalEye成为一个灵活的选择,有更多的潜在起飞和降落地点.

For those onboard, 工作条件理想,配备最先进的航空电子设备,使机组人员工作舒适,符合人体工程学. 这大大减少了疲劳和不适对长时间操作的影响, maintaining high 读iness. 工作人员还可以有效地操作,因为他们知道GlobalEye内置的自我保护套件是安全的.

Rapid, accurate decision-making

由于GlobalEye先进的监视和通信技术(包括强大的Erieye扩展范围(ER)雷达), operational decisions can be made more quickly and accurately. 由于能够更精确地接收和传输实时信息, other operational forces can be primed, and missions can be executed at speed, giving them the winning edge in any scenario.


This is particularly beneficial when it comes to joint operations, as “全球之眼”可以果断地用实时、准确的信息切断令人困惑的混杂信息. “全球眼”拥有全面的态势概览,让每个人都能跟上形势, ensuring mission success.


If required, “全球眼”可以承载一个额外的联合指挥单元,在船上拥有多达10个作战工作位置. This enhances coordinated decision-making in theatre and in real time. This in turn speeds up the OODA loop (Observe, 东方, 检测, Act), saving vital time, ensuring secure data exchange and reducing communication errors.

Cutting through the noise

Modern warfare is dependent on electronics. 所有 electronics produce a signal, 在战场上同时使用无数的电子系统会产生巨大的干扰, jamming communications. 此外,敌人可以将干扰或欺骗能力武器化,以破坏和迷惑方向. “全球眼”旨在抵御这些威胁,并切断噪音, keeping your communications receiving and transmitting, always maintaining operational availability. 

Through an ongoing “spiral” identifying objectives, performing risk analyses, developing and testing, and reviewing and evaluating, this process ensures the solution stays ahead of the competition.

与电子产品相关的另一个问题是需要间歇性的软件更新. 十大正规博彩网站排名利用螺旋发展模式的全球之眼-一个长期的过程和改进战略,导致不断发展的软件. Through an ongoing “spiral” identifying objectives, performing risk analyses, developing and testing, and reviewing and evaluating, this process ensures the solution stays ahead of the competition. 软件更新很简单,不需要大量的停机时间. 因此,GlobalEye可以尽可能快地备份和运行.

Adaptable for every operation

GlobalEye is equally at home working in peace, crisis or conflict, for the civilian market or the military. 全球和国家安全挑战不断演变,真正的态势感知是脱颖而出的关键, whatever the scenario may be. 

所有 of Saab’s AEW&C解决方案已被国家部队成功地用于监测有组织犯罪, illegal fishing, support in border control, secure international events among other as important applications. 它们的监视和通信能力使警察和政府机构能够全面了解行动情况, enabling timely decisions to be made that involve multiple moving parts.

Whatever the purpose, wherever the operation, “全球眼”提供了市场上最好的监视和通信能力, 同时保持您的操作可用低飞行和维护成本.

Whatever the purpose, wherever the operation, “全球眼”提供了市场上最好的监视和通信能力, 同时保持您的操作可用低飞行和维护成本.

Intelligent design. Effective support. GlobalEye.