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十大正规博彩网站排名将 collect and process personal data in connection with the ongoing recruitment or assignment process in which you are involved. Saab aims to protect the privacy of job applicants by handling personal data in a secure way. The processing of personal data by Saab is carried out pursuant to applicable data privacy laws and regulations, 例如《全球最大的博彩平台》(GDPR). 下面是十大正规博彩网站排名收集方式的描述, processes and shares your personal data in connection with security vetting, along with your rights and how to contact Saab should you have any questions.


You are invited to undergo security vetting as part of Saab's recruitment or assignment process. 自我申报是安全审查的一部分. To facilitate the process and to ensure a clear and straightforward dialogue, you are requested to provide certain basic information which will be verified by Saab.

You will get more information regarding applicable steps in the vetting process as they occur.

为了通过安全审查, it is imperative that no information emerges in the verified information – which you have not already declared yourself – that may have a negative impact on our trust in you. 个人困难吗?, incidents or problems from your past that you acknowledge are always considered contextually, 根据事件的严重程度, 你在其中的角色, 事件发生后经过的时间, 还有你当时的年龄. 你的真诚和诚实对我们的评估至关重要. If you have any questions about or objections to the verification of your information, 请与您指定的招聘人员或外派联系人联系.


除了正常的招聘或指派面试之外, 你还会被要求参加一个安全审查面谈. 面试时,我们会进行自我陈述. 我们也会讨论你的联系人,生活状况和意识.


Bring your passport (or any similar identification document if you do not have a passport) to the security vetting interview. 是否拥有或曾经拥有双重或多重国籍, 随身携带护照, 即使它们已经过期. Contact your recruiter or assignment contact person if you are missing a relevant identification document.


To carry out the security vetting, 十大正规博彩网站排名将 process your personal data. Personal data refers to all information which Saab can use to directly or indirectly identify you. 如果您不希望提交某些个人信息, 您可以随时退出该过程.


十大正规博彩网站排名将 collect and process the following categories of personal data from you (if applicable in your country).

  1. 身份信息:姓名, address, 电话号码, 电子邮件地址, 以及政府颁发的身份证件,如公民身份证明文件, 护照或驾驶执照. Given names and surnames of other individuals registered at your address.
  2. 专业背景:工作经历, 学历, 专业认证, 和引用.
  3. 法院和公共当局:参与任何司法程序, 公共法院和执法机构的决定.
  4. 财务信息:公共收入信息, 信用审查结果, 由政府当局登记的债务.
  5. 公司利益、公司所有权和董事会职位.
  6. Online presence: results of online checks to identify vulnerabilities or risks in your digital presence


Personal data is collected directly from you and from open public sources available in your country, 比如大学, 大学和市政档案, 国家机关如税务机关, 检察机关, courts, 商业信用和法律数据库, 公司注册处, 土地注册机关, 运输代理等. Saab may verify the information provided by you through previous employers, 互联网上的媒体搜索, 以及公司出版物.


Saab processes your personal data to conduct the security vetting procedure that is part of the ongoing recruitment or assignment process in which you are involved.


Through its supply of defence equipment and its operation of systems for societal security, 十大正规博彩网站排名在国家安全方面发挥着关键作用. The position for which you have applied is subject to security vetting according to the security protection agreements to which Saab is a party, or according to Saab's own risk and security assessment of the position.

The legal basis for our processing is Saab's obligation to comply with national security legislation and in some cases that it is in our legitimate interests to process your personal data to manage and conclude a security vetting as a part of the ongoing recruitment or assignment process in which you are involved.


Saab takes appropriate security measures to protect your personal data against, 除此之外, 丢失和未经授权的访问. 十大正规博彩网站排名还限制访问您的个人数据, 这只授予个人谁, 根据上述目的, 是否须要处理你的个人资料. Saab may share your personal data with companies within the Saab Group, and with our subcontractors and partners who assist in the security vetting process. 我们主要与瑞典的分包商和合作伙伴合作, and occasionally subcontractors and partners in other countries in the European Union (EU) and the 联合王国 (UK), who assist us in verifying the information you provide in your self-declaration. Our subcontractors and partners have signed data protection agreements in which they undertake to only process your personal data as per Saab's instructions. 十大正规博彩网站排名不会将您的个人数据转移到欧盟或英国以外的地区.

All staff that will participate in the security vetting process have signed non-disclosure agreements that prevent unauthorised use or sharing of your personal data.


如果你开始和十大正规博彩网站排名合作, your personal data collected for security vetting purposes is retained during your employment or assignment. In cases where the recruitment process does not lead to employment/assignment, the personal data collected during the security vetting process will be erased without delay. 十大正规博彩网站排名将, 然而, save personal data related to the recruiting process such as your application, 简历和与招聘人员的电子邮件对话. This data is saved as long as there is a legitimate purpose and/or in accordance with applicable law.


十大正规博彩网站排名AB, 公司身份证号SE 556036-0793, 地址十大正规博彩网站排名AB, 581 88 Linköping, is the personal data controller for the processing of your personal data. This means that we are responsible for ensuring that your personal data is processed correctly and in accordance with applicable personal data laws and regulations. 如欲联络我们的资料保护主任,请致电 dpo@saabgroup.com.

阅读更多关于 你的权利以及如何与十大正规博彩网站排名取得联系.