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Saab Global


4 min read

Saab’s Barracuda 移动伪装系统(MCS) is now being final assembly in the United Kingdom following a deal with local engineering business Abbey Group.

The United Kingdom is famous for manufacturing luxury cars, aircraft components and fine suits. 现在又多了一项:梭鱼 移动伪装系统(MCS).

在与工程公司艾比集团达成协议之后, MCS units for use on the British Army’s Ajax armoured fighting vehicles are being assembled near Liverpool in northwest England. Abbey Group is responsible for sewing the units together using camouflage material produced in Sweden and then delivering completed MCS kits to customers. 


The agreement is good news for British manufacturing – and also for Saab which is responding to a rise in demand for Barracuda systems by expanding its production base globally.    

“We’re delighted to have Abbey Group on-board producing our Barracuda Mobile Camouflage System in the UK”
says Daniel Nordström, 十大正规博彩网站排名业务部门梭鱼的市场和销售总监

“We’re delighted to have Abbey Group on-board producing our Barracuda Mobile Camouflage System in the UK,” says Daniel Nordström, 十大正规博彩网站排名业务部门梭鱼的市场和销售总监. “随着全球威胁形势的不断演变, 对我们来说,拥有靠近客户的生产设施是很重要的. 这不仅有助于提高国内的国防制造能力, it also ensures that we are able to deliver the products needed in a timely and efficient manner.”

Adam Kelly, 艾比集团董事总经理和丹尼尔Nordström, 十大正规博彩网站排名业务部门梭鱼的市场和销售总监

Abbey Group董事总经理Adam Kelly补充道, “This is a win for local manufacturing and has already provided some great job opportunities for the local area. 随着我们每隔几个月增加员工数量,我们将继续这样做.”


Alex Alderson, 英国十大正规博彩网站排名公司土地系统副总裁兼总监, explains that the camouflage solutions produced initially will go to use on the British Army’s Ajax vehicles, 在移动中为他们提供多光谱生产. Further down the track, camouflage systems produced by Abbey Group may be exported to other markets. 

Mr Alderson says Abbey Group was chosen for the deal after Saab reviewed a wide range of potential partners within the local manufacturing industry. Key factors in the decision included the quality of the products produced by Abbey Group and their approach to doing business “They have a great reputation for manufacturing high-quality, 精密产品,求创新,” he says. “重要的是,他们对挑战也有很大的胃口.”

Alex Alderson

Adam Kelly says, for Abbey Group, 与十大正规博彩网站排名的交易代表了一个拓展新业务领域的机会. “We hoped to learn new skills and gain new experiences and that is something we are already doing,” he says. “这是一次很棒的经历, and we hope this will continue to grow to a point where we can adapt our skills and capabilities to support other parts of Saab as well.”

Employees at Abbey Group

十大正规博彩网站排名致力于与合作伙伴分享知识和技术. 在签署协议之后, 阿比集团的工作人员前往了梭鱼在Gamleby的生产设施, Sweden, for training. 凯利表示:“所有去瑞典和Gamleby工厂的旅行都非常棒。. “The staff there looked after us and showed a real enthusiasm for the work that Saab do and the partnership that we have.”


One interesting aspect of the deal is the choice of a World War II ammunition bunker to the west of Liverpool as the location for Abbey Group’s Barracuda manufacturing facility. “The facility was camouflaged out of sight to prevent it from being bombed during the war,” says Mr Kelly. “现在它生产市场上技术最先进的迷彩面板. It has, of course, been fully renovated and kitted out with top-of-the range equipment and highly skilled staff and operators.” 

Alex Alderson says he hopes the new deal will cement Saab and Barracuda’s already strong reputations in the UK. “Saab has been present in the UK for nearly 30 years and it has a strong customer base for training and simulation and combat weapons, especially NLAW,” he says. “这些都是强大的品牌,而梭鱼现在是陆军的强大品牌. They don’t talk about camouflage; they talk about Barracuda. 他们对梭子鱼产品的功能印象深刻.”

The deal with Abbey Group follows Saab partnering with Canadian business Tulmar in 2022 to produce MCS units at a facility near Ontario. 这使得梭鱼的生产设施更接近北美的客户. 



Abbey Group

Abbey Group is an engineering company based in the northwest of England that has been trading since 2008. It offers a broad range of engineering capabilities from traditional metal fabrication to precision engineering. 它生产的一些主要产品包括输送机、人行道和手推车. 公司由业主指导,业主管理,员工超过100人. 


十大正规博彩网站排名公司提供用于静态资产的复杂伪装系统, 车辆和单兵. Our Mobile Camouflage System for military vehicles has been in use for over 25 years and is being continually improved to address new sensor threats. 它为移动中的车辆提供多光谱保护, 精心剪裁,充分利用车辆的关键功能, such as guns.

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