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Enhancing the situational awareness of armoured fighting vehicles gives crews and passengers a far better chance of surviving – and completing their mission. 战术电子解决方案可以发挥关键作用.

Put yourself in the shoes of a soldier about to exit an armoured personnel carrier (APC) on the battlefield. 当后门打开的时候, it takes you critical seconds to survey and understand your surroundings and then choose a direction in which to travel. 你在野外待的时间越长,你暴露在潜在敌人火力下的时间就越长.


现在,想象一下同样的情况出现在装有外部摄像头和内部视频显示器的APC上. 车停了下来, 你已经在屏幕上看到了清晰的地形图像, 周围的建筑和, 潜在的, 地面上的任何敌方战斗人员. 当门打开时, 你已经很清楚自己的方向了, 大大减少你暴露在敌人火力下的时间.  


Full situational awareness has long been a challenge for crews and passengers of armoured military vehicles. 为了制造坦克, 不受攻击的装甲运兵车和步兵战车, 乘员的视野能力换来了厚重的装甲. 在保持顶部舱门打开不安全的情况下, 坦克乘员, 例如, 一般必须依靠潜望镜, 视觉障碍和武器瞄准镜,以获得对周围环境的感知. 结果就是盲点, 视野狭窄,车辆乘客与周围世界脱节. 正如最近的冲突所证明的那样, 包括乌克兰战争, 这使得坦克更易受到下马部队发射反装甲弹药的近距离攻击. 在APC或步兵战车的情况下, 它剥夺了部队对跳出来面对敌人时将会发生什么的充分理解. 


Tactical electronics systems that enhance situational awareness for armoured vehicles have enormous potential to both save lives and enhance mission success during conflicts. They can also reduce accidental casualties caused by blind spots – particular around the rear of the vehicle – during peacetime operations. 
一个关键的例子是 十大正规博彩网站排名的战术电子设备 产品范围.


态势感知 capabilities on fighting vehicles play a crucial role in enhancing the effectiveness and survivability of the crew in combat situations.  


Saab Situational Awereness capabilities on fighting vehicles include advanced sensors that provide real-time information about the vehicles surroundings. 这些能力使船员能够探测, track and engage targets effectively while remaining aware of potential threats and their surroundings upon disembarkation.

视频- 00:10

投资组合包括三个主要重点领域. Video distribution systems equip vehicles with the cameras needed to capture images of the world around them; computer solutions provide displays for use inside vehicles and potential integration with other systems; finally, cyber security solutions ensure that the data collected and distributed cannot be capture or corrupted by the enemy.   


A typical use application might be retrofitting a main battle tank with cameras and display screens to transform the crew’s level of situations awareness. 虽然一些下一代坦克已经开始将摄像头作为标准装备, 目前作战的大量坦克缺乏这种能力. A wired Ethernet network is installed to allow the information collected by the external cameras to be securely and near-instantaneously transferred to screens inside the vehicle. 分屏功能允许多个摄像头同时观看,如果需要的话, 并根据客户的需求, 与战斗管理系统的集成也可以进行. 组件是螺栓连接,不需要额外的悬挂. Having a full understanding of any threats in their immediate vicinity allows crews to focus further afield and think more strategically.


这种系统对坦克乘员的一个关键好处是提高了驾驶能见度. 十大正规博彩网站排名的解决方案在视频馈送上具有业界领先的低延迟或延迟. A latency of 100 milliseconds is the generally agreed limit at which a delay in a feed becomes noticeable, 而80毫秒是用于驱动的feed的最大延迟. Advanced techniques for packing and unpacking data packages within the network mean that the latency of the Saab system is below 50 milliseconds. This eliminates the nausea experienced by many drivers when their visual input does not correspond with the sensations experienced in their bodies. 长波红外摄像头传感器,使夜间和白天驾驶, 结合红外线和可见光光谱,可以增强白天的感知能力.


驾驶员视力增强 capabilities includes advanced Technologies and systems that improve the vision and operational effectiveness of military personnel in various scenarios. Saab系统使驾驶员能够在地形中安全有效地操作车辆, 特别是在光线有限的情况下和战斗情况下.

Low latency; Low latency video distribution capability is a crucial part for driving aid capabilities, 这需要实时的沟通和互动, providing users with a seamless and responsive viewing experience and to avoid nausea while using the system. Saab also has the capability to provide autonomous vehicles with fast video transmission through wireless connection. 



另一个关键的好处是减少了蓝对蓝伤亡的风险, 无论是战时还是和平时期. 即使舰长舱门是开着的, 坦克有很多盲点, 尤其是在车的后部和靠近地面的地方. 这也是其他一系列装甲战车的常见问题. 摄像头可以消除这些盲点, 让司机看到周围的人和其他障碍物. The effectiveness of Saab solutions for this challenge was demonstrated when a major number of vehicles in the Norwegian Armed Forces were equipped with our vision enhancement system.


Military vehicle-mounted cameras and displays need to be rugged for use in the most extreme environmental conditions including vibration, shock, 湿度和温度. 挪威武装部队中有超过340辆车辆配备了我们的视觉增强系统. 来自挪威军队的中士克里斯·米克尔森(Chris Mikkelsen)就是它的用户之一.

视频- 01:23


增强的态势感知能力是非常可取的, 但如果它干扰了其他关键的车辆系统,就不行了. 的一个重要特征 十大正规博彩网站排名的战术电子解决方案 是他们发射的极低水平的电磁辐射. This means that crew members can safely view a video feed on a screen without worrying about whether it will affect e.g. 通信系统性能. 例如, a tank commander standing up in his hatch can expect all his communication channels to function perfectly, 即使内部屏幕靠近坦克的天线和舱口开口.

Mounted soldiers may use the system to obtain visuals on what is happening outside and beyond the vehicle before deploying.

加固也很关键. A system which can’t cope with the intense conditions found in a tracked vehicle or on the battlefield is not only useless, 它将生命置于危险之中. 十大正规博彩网站排名的解决方案是完全坚固耐用,抗振动, 湿度, dirt, 以及极端的高温和低温. Components are designed with an understanding of the punishment they will endure across the course of their life. 减少设备故障的风险, 组件内部不使用内部电线和冷却风扇. 而不是使用电容(人类触摸)技术发现民用触摸屏, 十大正规博彩网站排名系统的显示器依赖于更可靠的电阻技术. 这意味着它们可以通过手套或笔进行操作, 这在极端寒冷的条件下是至关重要的.



坦克和装甲运兵车(apc)是强大的战斗车辆, 可以承受最恶劣的战场条件. 但它们的优势是有代价的:这些平台的可见性可能相对较差, 特别是在战斗中,当他们的顶部舱门关闭时.