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Saab Signs Contract to Protect Great Barrier Reef and Queensland’s Ports

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Defence and security company Saab has been selected by 澳大利亚n Maritime Systems Group (AMSG) to provide the Government of Queensland in 澳大利亚 with a Vessel Traffic Management Information System (VTMIS). This system will serve the Great Barrier Reef and Queensland´s ports in 澳大利亚.

The system will improve maritime safety and 导航 efficiency, 海上生命安全, and protect the marine environment.

“Queensland’s existing Vessel Traffic Service operations would undergo a major systems upgrade to help meet the modern demands of international shipping and environmental safeguards. Operators will be able to provide detailed information to ship captains on sea conditions, ship traffic and potential hazards, as well as to intervene where developing situations dictate”, 马克·贝利说, Minister for Main Roads and Ports.

“The new system will replace the REEFVTS shipping control system, which has successfully protected the Great Barrier Reef since 2004, at the five port control VTS systems at Brisbane, 凯恩斯, 汤斯维尔, Gladstone and Hay Point”, 贝利先生说.

The VTMIS is powered by Saab's V3000 vessel traffic services system and KleinPort Port Management Information System, providing operators with a validated real-time traffic overview. The information is received from radar, 中央电视台, meteorological sensors, automated digital broadcasts from the ships themselves, and first-hand information from maritime service providers.

“Our maritime traffic management solution has proven itself in the most demanding environments. It is a strong solution for protecting 3000 km of sea lanes running through sensitive areas as the Great Barrier Reef and its surroundings. Together with our partner AMSG, we look forward to supporting the government in Queensland with the best technology available on the market”, 安德斯·卡普说, head of Saab’s business area Surveillance.

The system will be implemented in stages over the next two years.

Saab maritime traffic management leads the way in providing safe, efficient and easily configurable solutions for marine geomatics, 导航, 搜索 & rescue, coastal surveillance, port security and traffic management. Saab’s solutions are deployed in more than 100 ports including eight of the top 20 container ports in the world. Saab has over 70 traffic centres in operation, keeping track of over 50 000 vessels in ports such as Hong Kong, 鹿特丹, Shanghai and several 澳大利亚n ports.