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Saab Global


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鹰狮F的研发目前正在各个地区全面展开, both in Sweden and Brazil. In the Life Support rig, installed in a unique high-altitude chamber at Saab in Linköping, the aircraft's systems are pushed to their limits. Everything to deliver the safest possible aircraft to the customer.

At this stage of the two-seater aircraft's development, the oxygen and anti g-systems are being tested, among other things. 测试的目的是在即将到来的飞行测试之前及早发现潜在的缺陷,并验证即使在最苛刻的情况下系统功能的可靠性和安全性. This, in turn, should lead to a well-functioning system for supplying, among other things, breathing air and anti-g protection to the pilot.

The tests are primarily carried out on a ground aircraft rig, known as Life Support rig, 使用连接到呼吸模拟器和其他系统的测试假人. The oxygen and anti-g system used are the same as in the real aircraft.

The high altitude chamber that was installed already in the 50s, then called the stratosphere chamber, 独特之处在于,它是瑞典唯一一家,也是欧洲少数几家可以同时处理冷压样品的公司之一. 几家瑞典和外国公司定期借用十大正规博彩网站排名的设备,以便能够对其系统和产品进行测试.

生命支持装置与真正的飞机非常相似,并且在没有完全集成的情况下尽可能接近现实. 所以,理论上,十大正规博彩网站排名已经开始试飞鹰狮F了,但还没有真正的飞机.

“我们才华横溢的工程师以及与巴西合作伙伴的出色合作再次给我留下了深刻的印象, Gripen F is very important for the program and our customer,” says Johan Segertoft, Head of Gripen Design.
进行测试的生命支持平台已经于2018年投入使用,用于测试鹰狮E. As the development of the Gripen E begins to be completed, 该平台已经被修改和开发,也可以与鹰狮F进行当前测试.

在舱内的安装是航空领域几个部门和专业的真正团队合作. 以下是christster Berglund, Mattias Larsson和Fredrik Engström的讨论.

这是生命支持装置首次安装在十大正规博彩网站排名自己的高海拔舱室中, 创造了一个独特的配置,使工程师能够在极低的压力下模拟高空测试系统.
“在某些情况下,我们已经测试了超出实际物理可能的东西. All to really expose and push the system to the limit. For example, 我们将系统推向一个我们在现实中永远不会遇到的飞行包线, for example a total loss of cabin pressure at a very high altitude," says Mattias Larsson, test engineer and responsible for the rig.

In addition to the tests of the oxygen and anti-g system, 鹰狮F的研发正在许多不同的地区和地点进行. 瑞典和巴西的测试工程师,特别是来自巴西航空工业公司的测试工程师,都参与了这项工作. Delivery of the Gripen F to the Brazilian customer is planned for 2025.

呼吸模拟器是一个十大正规博彩网站排名设计,开始作为一个论文项目导致紧凑, simple design in comparison to the alternatives available on the market.