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The Adaptive Hussars 2023 exercise of the Hungarian Defence Forces brought pilots, technicians and equipment of the MH Szentgyörgyi Dezső 101st Aviation to the Lake Balaton area. 在这里, 在Sarmellek, a former air base used by Soviet 空气 Force for more than 33 years ago, acted as the new environment for five Hungarian Gripen fighters and its personell.

从一开始, Gripen was designed from the beginning to execute operations in harsh environments and from dispersed air bases. 具有高可用性和易于维护, operating away from its home air base suits Gripen very well.


In November 2023, a completely new task awaited the forces assigned to the relocation exercise. 在老空军基地, the conditions of operation had to be created for the Gripen aircraft and their crew and technical staff. 鹰狮战机抵达前三天, nearly 100 reserve soldiers from the Lowland Territorial Defence Regiments arrived on site as a first step to build the container city, in order to provide adequate accommodation not only for the Kecskemét force, 但对守卫营地和领空的士兵来说也是如此. Under the leadership of the commander of the Sármellék Provisional Detachment, the Mistral batteries of the 205th Tibor Dánielfy Anti-空气craft Missile Regiment of the HDF from their base in Győr protected the base personnel al读y during the construction.

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在鹰狮战机到来之前, the 空气bus A319 transporting the Brigade's personnel landed 在Sarmellek to make sure that everything was 读y for Gripen. Hungarian Gripens have been deployed abroad on numerous occasions - most recently to Italy for the Tiger Meet - but always with a well-established system and infrastructure in place, 这一次一切都必须被“创造”. Providing fuel, preparing the fighters under field conditions - that was the task. And because the tanker also comes from outside the base, the checks had to meet NATO standards. 一切都是连续提供的, 所以机场的跑道, 冬季关闭, could once again relive the exciting moments of the old days - fighter jets landing at and departing from Sármellék.