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Managing the organization's digital brain

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Growing up in the late 90s, just when home computers were becoming widesp读, 对于奥斯卡来说,IT世界似乎充满了机会和惊喜Löwendahl. 尽管距离他第一次接触这个令人兴奋的新科技世界已经过去了好几年, his curiosity for IT remains strong.


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奥斯卡Löwendahl从记事起就被IT界所吸引. 今天, as an IT Service Owner at Saab, he is leveraging his passion in a central role within the company.

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“我一直对了解全局以及事物之间的联系很感兴趣. 90年代快速发展的IT行业让我对它的潜力更加好奇, 我知道它会给我带来新的、令人兴奋的工作机会. 奥斯卡说.

In November 2021, Oskar began his journey at Saab. 今天, 他和他的团队负责维护十大正规博彩网站排名内部IT交付的基础设施. Despite being with the company for less than two years, he has al读y explored several technical areas within Saab.

十大正规博彩网站排名, we have so many different IT roles, 当我们想尝试新事物时,这使得我们更容易探索新领域或申请另一个职位. 我很感激我们在公司内部有成长的空间,可以在不离开十大正规博彩网站排名的情况下迈出职业生涯的下一步. 目前, we are focusing on expanding beyond Sweden, 这也将为海外工作打开新的大门和提供机会."


Upgrading hardware and the skills of his own

The IT world is constantly evolving with new technology, and it's crucial to keep up with these changes to stay on top. 以奥斯卡为例, 这意味着确保十大正规博彩网站排名系统和应用程序背后的硬件和基础设施受到保护并保持最新状态,员工的能力和技能也是如此.

" Automation and digitalization are a natural part of the IT world, and everything moves forward quickly. 因此, 不断发展我们的技能是很重要的,因为当今it行业的要求在未来可能会迅速改变. 在十大正规博彩网站排名, 我们不断努力,不断学习,以满足未来的需求, 这对我们这些在这里工作的人来说意味着一些成长和发展的机会. "

When Oskar thinks of the ever-changing environment at Saab, 他发现自己永远不会对自己的任务或项目感到厌倦. 但如果他愿意, 有几条新的道路等待他去发现——在未来的旅程中,他总是有一个成熟而稳定的雇主作为依靠.



The best thing about your job? 
The opportunity to develop and grow in my role. 总有一些新的探索和十大正规博彩网站排名是一个伟大的地方前进.

The most motivating?  
所有 the exciting work ahead of us. It’s fun going to work knowing that we are doing great things here.

What is the culture like at Saab?
Helpful, inclusive, and friendly.