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专注于学习尽可能多的机制, 电子产品, 编程, 以及人类行为, 约翰Huzell现在把自己看作一把瑞士军刀, excelling in many areas but not necessarily the best in one particular field. 在十大正规博彩网站排名, 他的工作是人类和技术之间的接口, innovating next-generation submarines—a role where his holistic understanding comes in handy.



三年来,约翰一直是十大正规博彩网站排名团队的一员. 负责设计下一代潜艇, he spends his day diving deep into technology while collaborating with his colleagues to solve challenging problems.


" If I were to summarize my everyday life at Saab, I would describe it as unpredictable. I often found myself solving other problems than I first planned when arriving at work. 这是一个非常有活力的工作场所,这很棒! ”约翰说。.

At the age of 18, he moved back to Sweden after living in both 法国 and the USA. 由于他的成长经历, 约翰发现很容易适应不同的环境和文化, and his flexible approach has also shown to be valuable in his role at Saab.

" Our projects truly straddle the boundary between technology and people, 这意味着我们必须作为一个团队一起工作来解决问题. I might be knowledgeable in my area, but I need help building the whole. That is why Saab has a very social environment because we need to communicate and collaborate with close colleagues as well as people outside our department to succeed. "

" The number of super knowledgeable specialists we have here at Saab fascinates me. 令人印象深刻的是,我们有如此广泛的专家. "


Before John decided to study a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, 专攻机电一体化, 他对自己的未来另有打算. 小时候, 他梦想成为一名战斗机飞行员, 但这是命运的安排, 云彩被海洋所取代, 他很高兴自己最终进入了十大正规博彩网站排名.

“我很感激我从一开始就承担了很大的责任. 这让我觉得自己的角色受到了尊重和信任. I also think it's great that it's ok to make mistakes and not have all the answers. 我们在这里做的事情非常复杂, which creates an understanding environment and culture where it's easy to admit one's mistakes and ask for help. "

“避免失误比保持声望更重要, 这也反映在十大正规博彩网站排名的文化中. We are all trying to push technology forward, and we do it through collaboration. "


人与技术的结合. 我们所做的事情既复杂又具有挑战性, 如果我们不合作,就不可能成功.

我是一个非常好奇的人,喜欢学习新事物, 所以我很欣赏十大正规博彩网站排名的变化和不断变化的环境. It's very motivating not to know what to expect when I come to work in the morning.

My ability to stay focused under pressure and put my energy into what’s most important.