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Saab Global
Solar Shade

Barracuda Solar Shade

Extreme temperatures can also be an enemy, causing death, exhaustion and dehydration, among other issues. Keep troops in top condition with Solar Shade.

Key features

Multispectral protection
Saves 20 percent fuel/power used to cool shelters
Reduces solar radiation by over 80 percent

Keeping cool when it counts

Solar Shade

Our Solar Shade camouflage net system is the premier passive heat mitigation solution for deserts and woodlands environments.

Ultra-lightweight, 易于操作,有多种颜色和图案可供使用, it can be customised to many different structures to significantly reduce temperatures and fuel costs.

Tough testing

Saab and the US government have rigorously tested the energy-efficient Solar Shade solution in multiple excessively hot conditions.

遮阳帘还减少了85%以上的太阳能负荷, 大大减少紫外线辐射对庇护所和设备的损害.

Additional protection

遮阳板由双层ULCAS/ULCANS材料制成, 提供额外的多光谱保护, near-infrared, short wave infrared, thermal infrared sensors and Radar protection. 它们可以定制为各种各样的其他庇护所.

Signature Management

签名管理是我们产品的核心. 我们的技术将物体和背景之间的对比度降到最低, making sensory detection much harder. 签名管理减少了暴露和距离识别, 什么会迫使敌人靠近你才能与你交战.

True multispectral

Saab's camouflage solutions offers true multispectral capabilities against a wide range of sensor. These are the properties for the product:


Modern signature management is one of the very few disruptive technologies that can break an enemy’s awareness. 梭鱼学院给学生一个理论和实践的理解.

Through our world-class expert-led courses, 您可以增加对现代签名管理的认识,以便:

  • Gain the tactical edge through concealment
  • Identify battlefield threats
  • Enhance survivability of your forces

Partnering with Saab

我们是签名管理中唯一完整的系统屋. 我们设计和制造一个全面的迷彩范围, Concealment and Deception solutions for soldiers, platforms and units.

All parts of your force, 一个在传感器密集的环境中执行任务的士兵, 一个完全多光谱伪装的作战基地, 每个资产都需要最小化被检测到的概率的能力. At Saab, we have a long history of creating solutions for any mission scenario – no matter how challenging.

Working with us, you can be certain that you have the best partner in signature management.


拥有半个多世纪的签名管理经验, 十大正规博彩网站排名的高能力和专业知识应用于我们生产的每一个解决方案.

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Did you know...

我们的遮阳板为最苛刻的环境提供冷却能力. 这里有一些关于遮阳的有趣事实,你可能还不知道.

  • 定制以优化在FOB(前方作战基地)环境中的足迹
  • 复合衬垫和遮阳系统减少了大本营30%的燃料需求
  • Solar Shage可以反射99%的有害紫外线辐射

Contact us

Can't find the answer to your questions? Don't hesitate to contact us.


Johan Stjernfeldt
Head of Marketing & Sales

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