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Military Type Certificate for Gripen E obtained

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Obtaining a military type certificate for a fighter aircraft is something unique. A milestone adding yet another chapter to the aviation history.

在11月, Saab was granted a Military Restricted Type Certificate (MRTC) for Gripen E, which attests that the aircraft has met all the airworthiness and flight safety requirements set by the Swedish and 巴西ian military authorities, represented by the Swedish Military Aviation Safety Inspectorate (FLYGI) and the Industrial Fostering and Coordination Institute (IFI) in 巴西. The joint certification reflects the synergy obtained through the technical cooperation between the two authorities.

由于该设计现已通过认证, Saab shifts its focus to the development and testing of new functionalities. 为客户服务, this is a milestone of the greatest importance, being an essential step for the Gripen to start operations.

“The fact that we now have reached this important milestone, is not only a historic step in the aviation history, 这也是, 最重要的是, 这对我们的客户来说是重要的一步. This is the result of a great team effort which requires knowledge, 能力和毅力才能获得. Designing a fighter aircraft is the ultimate team sport", says 约翰·塞格托夫特,鹰狮设计负责人.
