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Saab continues being a leader in sustainability

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Saab is committed to fight climate change and has for several years worked systematically to account for its emissions and increase transparency around climate action. For the second year in a row, Saab has received a A- from the CDP 2020 Disclosure.

The global report framework CDP is an international non-profit initiative that sets the global gold standard for corporate environmental reporting. In 2020, 515 large investors are re-requesting thousands of companies to disclose their environmental data through CDP.

Saab has joined the 9,600 companies who reported through CDP this year. 通过年度CDP报告, Saab builds trust through transparency and responds to rising environmental concern. CDP disclosure helps Saab track environmental performance and benchmark against other companies.

”We acknowledge that there is still a lot to be done and we are developing our ambitious emission reduction targets, as well as continuing to work with climate-related risks and opportunities. 这确认, together with a fine third place in Swedish daily business paper Dagens Industri’s annual report of sustainable companies within our sector Capital goods, shows our ambition in this very important field", 玛丽亚·萨林说, 十大正规博彩网站排名的环境主管.

十大正规博彩网站排名在CDP报告中获得a -. The European regional average is C, and the Transportation equipment sector shows an average of B. The companies reaching this level are recognized for taking ambitious action and implementing current best practices to address climate change.