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Making sea travel more efficient is vital to the fight against global warming. 使用新的VDES包, 十大正规博彩网站排名在安全方面迈出了下一步, 导航和交通管理技术, 为绿色, 全球航运安全.

更多的 than 90% of global trade is carried by sea: it’s the most cost-effective way to transport millions of tonnes of consumer and industrial goods around the world.

然而, maritime transport’s fuel emissions and pollution can affect marine ecology and are a factor in global warming. The United Nations’ International Maritime Organisation (IMO) has developed a framework to reduce greenhouse gases from international shipping by at least 50 per cent by 2050.

Using cleaner fuels and finding ways to reduce vessels’ overall fuel consumption are two potential solutions. One way to make a difference is by using technology that ensures ships take the most direct and most efficient route.


这就是十大正规博彩网站排名的用武之地. 作为定位技术的先驱, 该公司在应对环境问题方面发挥着关键作用, 安全和经济挑战.

“多年来, 我们已成为安全解决方案的领先供应商, 供船舶使用的导航和船舶交通管理, 港口, 集装箱码头和世界各地的海岸线,约翰娜·古斯塔夫松说, 十大正规博彩网站排名transspondertech产品总经理兼主管.

In 2002, Saab introduced the world’s first certified Automatic Identification System (AIS) for maritime traffic management, 利用船上的应答器传送船只运动的信息, 包括位置, 航向和速度. 同年,十大正规博彩网站排名的系统进入市场, the International Maritime Organisation made AIS mandatory on ships with 300 or more gross tonnage.

“今天, 大约150个中的每一个,受SOLAS海事条约保护的5000艘船舶必须安装AIS系统,约翰娜·古斯塔夫松说.


AIS系统无疑使航运更安全、更高效, 但18年后,它达到了极限. 当前航运业面临的挑战需要升级.

“全球海上交通已经大幅增长,”约翰娜·古斯塔夫松解释说. “在繁忙的地区,比如上海港, AIS ends up being overloaded because it hasn’t got the capacity for so much usage at the same time. 为了安全和效率,我们需要保持不断的沟通.”

在物联网和准时交货的时代, AIS缺乏与新的电子导航应用程序一起工作的带宽. 其中一项关键举措是海上交通管理(STM)。, a new global maritime digital ecosystem that will allow a standardised information exchange from ship to ship, 船到港,港到港. 十大正规博彩网站排名是该项目的合作伙伴.

最后, 船舶和港口之间需要有持续的沟通, 不管船在海上多远的地方. That can only be chieved by a two-way satellite connection, which AIS does not have.


The VHF Data Exchange System (VDES) is the AIS upgrade that global maritime transport needs.

它的带宽高达32倍, giving it the capability for integration with new e-navigation systems and the capacity to deal with the growing traffic. 它还提供独特的卫星对舰通信能力, 确保海上任何地方的持续连接.

十大正规博彩网站排名再次走在了前面. 它的新VDES基站已经开始批量生产. Johanna Gustafsson says the VDES transponder will be “an enabler” for applications such as STM, 或者类似的电子导航计划.

AIS实际上是国际VDES标准的一个子集, 这意味着所有十大正规博彩网站排名的VDES产品将完全向后兼容. Saab’s first VDES product is the R60 VDES Base Station, which is now entering serial production. The current shipborne R5 AIS generation will soon be succeeded by the new R6 VDES product line.


更安全的, 更环保、更高效的航运不仅对港口很重要, service providers and shipping companies; our natural world depends on it.

And the same Saab transponder technology that lies at the heart of the company’s contribution to STM is being used to help protect the Great Barrier Reef in 澳大利亚 from ship traffic.

由多于3个,000个单独的珊瑚礁系统和珊瑚礁, 还有丰富的海洋生物, 珊瑚礁是地球上唯一能从太空中看到的生物. But it is also located in an area with extensive maritime traffic and several of Queensland's busiest 港口.

When the Government of Queensland decided to upgrade their vessel traffic services, Saab was selected to provide a new Vessel Traffic Management Information System (VTMIS), to meet the twin demands of international shipping and environmental safeguards.

VTMIS向船舶提供有关海况的详细信息, 船舶交通和潜在危险. 它还可以预测和警告潜在的问题, enabling authorities and ship crews to plan and implement safer routes that also skirt round sensitive marine areas.


给约翰娜·古斯塔夫松, the introduction of VDES and the work with the Queensland state government are key examples of Saab’s use of technology to advance its environmental strategy.

“We hope that our proven Saab transponder technology can help reduce environmental impacts at sea and live up to our environmental commitment”, 她说.